Monday, June 4, 2012

Protesting to Free Tiananmen Square Prisoners

On June 4th 1989, in Beijing, China, in Tiananmen Square, hundreds upon hundreds of protestors to the Chinese government were shot. Those who were not shot over the demonstrations were sent right to jail. A mere twenty three years later, the events of that day are remembered and rather still remembered right this day. More protests are going on, protests for change in the Chinese government and also a call to release those who had been imprisoned.

It is not a protest that the Chinese Government has taken too kindly to. For once again, not too much unlike what occurred in China twenty three years ago on this date, activists are being rounded up.

Chinese is still very much a communist government, just like they were in 1989. The relationship between China and the United States has been rather like one of two business partners, who casually don't agree with each others actions, but tend to work together, as long as it has some kind of benefits. The United States suggested that the Chinese Government release those still in prison, but those suggestions fell on deaf ears.

In China, proof exists that the freedom of the people cannot be tempered completely, despite the best efforts. In the anniversary of the brutal actions, there is a call for the liberties of those who have been imprisoned over the last twenty three years. Despite the best attempts to silence these cries of the events of June 4th 1989 that have occurred on Tiananmen Square, there are those who will still speak up and not be silenced.

Revolution has rather swept the world in many parts over the recent past couple of years. China knows this and is trying to quell what they can. However, the more they push, the harder the people get push back. The government may be smart enough to realize that another show of harsh aggression like the one at Tianamen Square would be a fool's move.

The events of that day are taboo in China, to the point where the Tiananmen Square massacre is something that is not allowed to be spoken of. Yet there are people with memories, people who have filled in those without the consent of the Chinese Government. The spirit of rebellion is very much alive, as those still will carry on the fight, of change and revolution.

Freedom is something that can be rather subjective these days, as we are never truly free, but if it leads to be a better life, the actions of those in China will not be in vain, as we remember what occurred on the day of June 4th 1989. A true spirit which may not be crushed, even if the government will try their hardest to make those think that all efforts will only lead to punishment and misery.

June 4th 1989 at Tiananmen Square is an event that the political activists in China will not allow the government to forget, no matter how much they want them to.

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