Saturday, May 19, 2012

First Named Storm of Hurricane Season

In the year 2012, Hurricane season starts early, as the first named storm has been brought to our attention. A mere thirteen days before "the official" start of hurricane season, Hurricane Alberto has hit the scenes in the Atlantic Area and begins to moving throughout the East Coast, right through the Carolinas. In what may be an omen for a longer season, with the Hurricane Season for 2012 starting rather early.

Hurricane Alberto Hits the Atlantic Coast; First Storm of 2012

Of course, as those who have lived in the path of hurricanes in recent years or those who have followed the damage they caused, there is no thing as an official start and there is no such thing as too early to prepare for the damage that hurricanes may cause. The season is kicking off with Hurricane Alberto on May 19th 2012 which means that more storms are to follow and the 2012 Hurricane season may be a rough one.

All storm warnings, even the most minor ones, could be a potential for disaster. Those in the area should be known to take any warnings seriously and take any and all recommended action to minimize the damage. If it comes to the point where an order is given to flee, then it would be unwise to stick around. Evacuation is not best done when the hurricane is right at your doorstep.

At this moment, only time will tell whether or not Hurricane Alberto will be a horrific storm or just a minor blip, long forgotten by the end of the 2012 tornado season. Those in the Carolina and surrounding areas should keep a close watch, as the storm continues to move north, throughout the east of the United States, from the Atlantic.

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