Blagojevich Gets 22 Million from Pension seized to pay off fines and penalties, Leaves $107, 367.86 for family.
So the former governor of Illinois leaves a decent sized nest egg for his family. Well decent sized if you live in the real world, which it is obvious that the Blagojevich family doesn't. That amount of money would be a drop in the hat for them, given the luxuries they enjoyed, most of them very likely ill gotten.
Welcome to the lower rungs. Hope you enjoy your stay.
I do kind of feel sorry for the children, but no more than I do for the children of any criminals who had parents who committed a crime and they were stupid enough to get caught. That is really the crux of this entire manner, the fact that the disgraced former Illinois governor was rather stupid enough to get caught with what he was doing. Whether or not he was sold up the river, that really is something that is up for a lot of debate, but the fact is, he did play a roll in the crimes he committed.
And he'll get better treatment than the average schmuck off of the street. Do you think that Joe Blow who knocks off the local 7-11, would get a reprieve like this. I doubt so very much. Would Joe Blow even get his pension?
The state of Illinois at the government level is festered with a great deal of corruption. At every level. And if your not a fan of Obama, this state is where he came from. There is a good reason why people in Illinois are so miserable a lot of the time, because they have to pay for the inept government.
So on March 15th 2012, as of this moment, which good change, Rod Blagojevich is off to prison, a federal prison in Denver or so reports are saying. Whether or not they are building a luxury suite to accommodate him because God only knows they've done everything else is something that this blog cannot confirm or deny.