Friday, February 10, 2012

Stock Market Ends Week on Downswing

Today’s stock market results just makes it seem like we are at the beginning of a huge selling spree for many stocks. Which just continues the very obvious trend that continues where the stock market has slight gain as opposed to slight loss. The never ending economic slumps and slight rises continues. Let us hope for some healing, but with the 2012 election coming, it appears that we are going to have many empty promises. Regardless the week ends on a down note for the stock market. The situation in Greece is doing the world economy and thus the US economy no favors. There have been riots recently in Athens and revolutionary spirit in Greece seems to be bubbling.

Stock Market Report 2/10/12

Dow Jones: 12,800.25(-90.21)
Nasdaq: 2,903.88(-23.35)
S and P 500: 1,342.63

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