Saturday, February 11, 2012

No Matter What the Alphabet Soup Spells, Its Still Censorship(ACTA)

SOPA and PIPA recently were defeated and postposted hopefully indefinitely, although no doubt I don't think that many of us will rest safely until those who got the bill rolling are far away from Washington and hopefully off of the streets for good.

However, its not over. It is rather alarming how politicians tend to vary the world over. They don't get technology and they think they can easily try and make people feel like they are criminals, under the guise of stamping out Internet Piracy.

ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, Different Letters, Same Meaning

The ACTA or Anti-Counterfitting Trading Agreement was proposed by the European Union as the latest measure to deal with Internet piracy. The problem as it is is this.

It doesn't matter what intentions the bill has when it is proposed.

It doesn't matter what you think the reason for the bill is.

It is what the bill will do in the not so distant future, what it will open the door for. Human oppression always starts innocently enough. The problem is those who committing crimes won't get caught, only the stupid people.

And obviously, one link, long since forgotten on a website, to one video, or one picture, and the legal flood gates are opened. I'm not sure if this would have a more dismal effect on the world economy than SOPA would but its pretty bad.

It all starts innocently enough. If you look back to many dictators finding their way into power, it all starts with what seems like the best intentions.

People are protesting this one too. Our political leaders seem to have a rather dismal view of the people that voted them into power, thinking they will just fall into line and not look at the situation for what it is.

Reading between the lines, people tend to do away with what they don't understand. There have been protests and some countries are realizing what will happen.

This is not over. It will never be over, until this generation of politicians are completely ran out of office in favor of those who understand what technology truly is.

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