Thursday, March 1, 2012

Google's New Privacy Policy: Should It Matter

Today is D-Day for Google and their new privacy policy. We knew it was coming for months and months, where everything is going to be consolidated into one privacy policy, with all of Google's many, many services being put underneath one policy. Some people wondered about the privacy that they are going to have on the Internet. However, if you ever thought that you would have complete privacy on the Internet you are mistaken. Anything that can be communicated, can be monitored. It is just whether or not the people monitoring care enough to do anything about the information they monitor.

Google's New Privacy Policy

Obviously we do have choices. Google is not the only search engine on the Internet. But it is the one that most people are going to search for. Many people search for Google, on Google, day after day. They are going to find much useful information on Google. With these changes, it does remain to be seen who is going to benefit from this.

However if you're worried about privacy, then really you shouldn't be on the Internet, you shouldn't be talking on the cell phone. The Internet really is divided into websites that do kind of respect your privacy but there is no such thing as complete privacy. And then there are people who don't respect the privacy of others.

The only thing that is private are the thoughts in your mind. And even then...who in the hell knows what the government might be up to in this day and age?

Regardless, Google isn't the only people watching what we are doing online. I think we can take that much to the bank. If you don't think the Federal Government or any other thirty party is not watching every keystroke that we make, I got a bridge to sell you. No doubt Google will be able to make any changes that they wish as long as they are the top of the heap. Many people will complete, they will stew, but many of those people who are complaining about this change are right on Google right now. There may be slight alterations as well along the way, for the good and the bad. One thing that is common across any privacy policy is that it is always subject to change.

Stock Market Report 3/1/12

The month of March 2012 begins with a bang, as the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, and S and P 500 were all up today. Will this be a profitable month or another disappointment? Only time will tell.

Dow Jones: 12,980.90(+28.83)
NASDAQ: 2988.97(+22.08)
S and P 500: 1374.08(+8.40)

But the fact there is any privacy on the Internet is kind of laughable.