It is no secret that many people are trying their hands from working at home. To various degrees of success as working at home can be a tough road to travel, give the amount of discipline that it requires to remain on task. Then again, one may argue that any kind of job, no matter where, does take a lot of discipline to remain on task from the top to the bottom.
Yet many people are finding that the standard job is lacking. It is becoming clear they many are not wanting to tie themselves down to a company, where they be an extension of it. And leadership is down and the economy is a sketchy place. Jobs are in fact out there, but it is just the matter of finding the right job. There is a huge "unwanted job market" although the phrase, "its a dirty job, so someone has to do it comes in mind."
9 to 5 Jobs, Slowly Being Phased Out
Get up, go to work, work, go home, over and over until payday, get the paycheck, lather, rinse, and repeat. With a lot of wasted downtime with very little money. It does go without saying that many are fortunate to have jobs, but regardless of the economic situation in the world, people tend to fall into a rut. There are many people who just drag themselves out into the workplace, because they are unable to break the monotony. They have no passion, they just do the work. Its across the board where people just slave themselves out to get their meager pay to make the bills.
But this is a life that some will have but many are shedding. It does take a great deal of patience and ambitious to go alone without an official company and a fresh paycheck waiting for you, no matter how meager it may seem. And let's face it, unless you do have a fair bit of money saved up for a cushion, then you are stuck in the rat race, like a hamster on the wheel, doomed to go around and around, with no end in sight.
What are you doing with your life?
Some people have gotten to the point where they have no life, they just merely exist. And with the economy, people have been forced to find alternate means of work. Just to try and scrap by enough to pay the bills, when the unemployment runs out and the savings account begins running dry, until you wait for a phone call that will be accepted by a job that never come.
Let's face it, many companies can choose to be rather selective, because the pool of workers is much, much wider. And that is causing many people to take the ultimate gamble, all or nothing, and create their own small business from home. Many examples of people turning what was once a hobby into a business have worked out well. Hell some of them have eventually morphed into the largest corporations in the known world. But most have failed.
Yet if the alternative is going out on the streets eventually, you don't have anything to lose. The phone has stopped ringing, time to see what you can do independently. It is do or die, and many people would rather die than return the 9 to 5 rat race, after a small taste of freedom. Is this the future of the American workforce? Who really knows. But many people are spreading their wings, either by choice or by necessity.
Stock Market Report 3/2/12
The week ends on a slight down note, but not by much.
Dow Jones: 12,977.57(-2.73)
NASDAQ: 2,976.19(-12.78)
S and P 500: 1,369.59(-4.50)