Thursday, December 22, 2011

The First Day of Winter and Shortest Day of the Year

The time is winding down as it has been, as we are going to be right on three more days until Christmas is here. That only means that there are two more days to go shopping and really if you do still need to go shopping before Christmas, today on December 22nd 2011 and haven’t even started, then you should really not be reading this blog entry. Go right now and this blog will be here when you finally get your backside in gear and go shopping. That being said, today is the first day of winter, December 22nd 2011.

Well the first official day of winter that is. Of course one must wonder while there is supposed to be four seasons, we do get the feeling sometimes that there is only two seasons. Well two and a half if one must really be generous. There are just going to be times where it’s going to go from winter like weather into summer like weather within days. Other times, it will do the exact opposite without rhyme or reason.

Winter did come early this year for those poor people in the Northeast. A huge snow storm rattled the people in the Northeastern United States. Something that really did in fact put a damper on the life, for those who were without power and water. It is rather essential to be prepared but I doubt that anyone is going to be prepared for something like this. Not at any rate at all.

Even those who are prepared, it is still going to catch us completely off guard. But at least the winter weather will catch us off guard less so than those who are not prepared for the snow, ice, and other general insanity. Those who don’t get much snow should consider themselves rather blessed. If you want some, we’d be happy to send it down your way, if we could.

The first official day of winter on December 22nd 2011, the shortest day of the year as well. Hopefully things are not too bad and the winter is mostly painless, as we really continue to move towards Christmas.

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