Wednesday, December 21, 2011

One More Year Until December 21st 2012, the latest rumored end of the world

On this day, it is December 21st 2011, 12/21/11 which means there are four more days until Christmas. And then that means there are only three more shopping days until Christmas. But it also means something else. As you know, the big hysteria of the world is that the world might potentially be ending on December 21st 2012. So let’s also wind up the Doomsday Disappointment Clock as well, in preparation for the latest time the world is going to end, with three hundred and sixty six days and counting (remember, 2012 is leap year!)

So apparently someone got it in their head that since the Mayan calendar ended in 2012, that must mean that all of civilization had to end in 2012. Of course, the Mayans gave us lots of important advances as humanity in general. Naturally on the flipside of that, I do wonder if they had all been killed off before they completely could finish their calendar.

The fact is many of us have lived through the potential of the world ending many times. The big Y2K drama of 2000 is one of the more famous little rumors about the world in fact ending. Also, the rapture rumors predicted by notorious crackpot Harold Camping over the past few years, has really been something that has been in the media. Countless other times the world has been tapped to be ending.

Maybe of them also were before the birth of Jesus Christ as well. People seem to be in a hurry for this world to end for some reason. I think that it will end someday, nothing lasts forever, but there will be no warning. And perhaps in many ways, humanity has gone about as far as it is going to go. There have been times where we have peaked as a people I think and it is all downhill from here. And all of the disasters in the world in 2011, the tsunami and earthquake in Japan, various horrific tornados, floods, heat waves in the summer, just everything that goes along with it.

I don’t think that the world will end on that day on December 21st 2012. However, I think we as a people are digging our own graves for various reasons. And there are some things that need to be done. Yet perhaps the damage already is in many cases. I just shudder at some of the stupid things people will do next year and the debt they will incur on that road to an end that will not be happening.

Hopefully you’ve got your Christmas shopping as well, as we continue the road to Christmas and the latest day that the world will not end on December 21st 2012.

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