Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Crimewave: Stealing Presents from Under the Tree

We really are getting down to the wire, I can’t believe it, only two more days until Christmas, which means you have only today and the mad rush that it is Christmas eve to get your Christmas shopping done. It is December 23rd 2011, and we have only have two more days until Christmas.

Sadly the economy has hit many of us rather had this Christmas season. That is just something that many of us have had to work around. I think despite it all, many of us have not resorted to desperation but there are many out there who have decided not to take the woes of the economy in the best way during the 2011 Christmas season.

I talked about Christmas charity scams in a previous post a few days ago but there is another serious issue, that one being people breaking into the houses of other this holiday season and stealing Christmas gifts. Among other things, but given that it is the Christmas season, someone breaking into another person’s house and stealing gifts under the tree is not something that is going to stir up much sympathy.

Many of these Christmas bandits have not gotten caught as of yet and things do not really seem to be all that promising. The economy leads to much desperation in the form of criminal activity and there are people taking the things they stole to pawn shops, to Craigslist, or just on some street corner to scare up some spare cash.

Chances are that some people are really not going to deal with the economic woes well but this is a miserable thing to do. Obviously perhaps some might think that if they cannot get Christmas joy of their own, then they have to swipe the presents and other items to ruin the spirit of others.

It is hard to be jolly this Holiday season when such crimes are going on. The economy is still in a scrambled state as we go into 2012 and the elections that come without it. With the woes of the economy, the Presidential Election seems to be a bit of an afterthought.

Lock your doors and don’t answer them to anyone unfamiliar. They claim they might want directions or to use the phone, but they could be here to rob your house. If you see any suspicious activity in your neighborhood, it will be prudent to call the police.

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