Friday, December 23, 2011

Five Awkward and Lame Christmas Gifts

The season of Christmas is rapidly approaching it and it is a time for giving and a time for family. Naturally it is the thought that will in fact count for all of us to receive Christmas presents. Yet even the family members who mean well often due have their intentions miss placed when giving Christmas gifts and some gifts do not really strike the Christmas spirit well.

Five Christmas Gifts That Will Make Things Awkward and Unpleasant

Do be mindful of people’s hearts being in the right place when they give the gifts but to those people who give these gifts, be mindful that some people do not in fact have any tact whatsoever when they receive a gift that is not good. There will be Christmas disappointments when people open up those gifts.

5) Socks

Socks are a very practical gift. Also a very cheap gift and kind of not what we expected.  We can all use socks but it is just not something that we prefer to receive from others.

4) Shoes

This is a bad gift on two fronts. First certain type of shoes clash with what we normally wear and some people tend to think that shoes they might wear work out well, but really subconsciously they might be buying things that they would wear. The same thing happens with other clothes, although on a lesser extent. Shoes are much worse as well because they are something that should be bought personally and some people make assumption of shoe sizes without asking the person. Not to mention there are different varieties of a size, both wide width and normal sized shoes.

3) The Unfortunately Ugly Hand Made Sweater

Grandma tend to put a lot of work into that sweater and bless her heart, it was a thoughtful gift. But it’s a gift that most would be mortified to wear in front of others.  Knitting can be something that can be a passion but just remember, your tastes of what looks lovely, is not the same taste as another person. Thoughtful gift, but there are times where the thought is something that people are not happy with, no matter how much time and love was put into the sweater. We do appreciate it to an extent but it can lead to a slightly awkward atmosphere.

2)  Food

The thing about food is that it can go bad rather quickly and if you are a purpose who does their Christmas shopping in advance, then buying food is not the best idea. And if you give someone food that they don’t like, then it might really lead to a bad atmosphere around the tree. It is not a good gift. That popcorn in a tin commonly given out for Christmas goes stale rather quickly. And then there is fruitcake which no one seems to like. One must not forget about the fruitcake.

1) A gift you gave that person

I don’t think I need to elaborate too much why this is awkward. People tend to like to re-gift things they have no use for to save some money. That is all fine and good but if someone is going to re-gift, then you better keep in mind where you got that gift in the first place. To avoid giving the person their gift back the next year. Re-gifting a gift back to the original giver is both awful and lame.

Hopefully everyone has a safe and happy holiday season and hopefully you enjoy the time with your family and receive what you want.

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