Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What To Do About December 21st 2012

The real answer to that question is really nothing. Perhaps sacrificing every politician in Washington to some demonic goat god might save us, but that is a longshot. And it’s not like the demonic goat god would want them. But in all seriousness, if the world does end, we can’t really do much about it. Other than rant about it. Well I’m going to rant about how ya’ll are idiots for believing this clap trap what seems like the three millionth time.

The latest supposed doomsday is approaching on December 21st 2012. Obviously some people believe based off of some evidence gathered by the Mayan calendar that the world is going to end on that date. Naturally some people are rather in quite the tizzy to say the least. I think that a lot of people tend to get all riled up about something that isn’t going to happen rather easily. There is really only one simple conclusion to really draw from all of this.

A good portion of the human race is gullible enough.

And there is another conclusion I have gathered from this.

There is a good percentage of the human race that is rather too stupid to live.

Really that is what it all boils down to. You hear stories all of the time of people who get sucked into scams where really all we need is just a bit of common sense and perhaps a little bit of research on your search engine of choice if you’re not certain. This December 21st 2012 nonsense really does tend to grind on my last nerve…actually its been since about 2009 or 2010. It seems to be getting worse.

Of course, I think that a lot of the people who are claiming doom and gloom are in fact trolls trying to rile up the people who really do honestly believe that the world is going to end on a certain date. At least some people is getting some laughter. December 21st 2012 will in fact be followed by December 22nd 2012.

Do I think the world will end eventually? I’m sure that is the case eventually. And more than likely, it is going to be the result of us humans doing something supremely and utterly stupid beyond all belief. Likely involving messing with something that we had no business messing with.

“Oooh, what does this button do?”

You might laugh right now, but it’s going to end like that in the end. Not likely on December 21st 2012. People have been predicting the end is here since before even Jesus Christ. Centuries before Jesus Christ, that is long time of failures and people being absolutely wrong. Then again, a lot of them are absolutely delusional crackpots like our old pal, Harold Camping.

If the world ends, then really, what are we going to do? We’re just going to have to make peace with ourselves and find out what exactly the afterlife is with one hundred percent clarity. So do what you must. Make peace with yourselves, your sins, rack up a boatload of credit card debt, while I laugh at you come December 22nd. Drink until your liver utterly fails. The world is your oyster and everyone will soon be bringing you sauce.

When the world doesn’t end on December 21st 2012, we will have December 22nd 2012.

And even if the world ends, I for one don’t care. It’s not like I have any magic wand that I can wave and make things go all better.

Or do I?