Thursday, May 17, 2012

Is Facebook Suitable for Children

Social media such as Facebook has taken the Internet by storm in recent years. No matter what you feel about it, you cannot deny that many people log right onto Facebook each and every day, chat with friends, play games, restore past connections, and make brand new ones. Facebook has been something that continues to grow and while there is a chance that it could crash soon, right now it still maintains enough of its popularity and prestige not to be a concern.

Is Facebook suitable for children? For many people that is a question that is on the tip of the tongue of many people. Something that I found rather questionable is that the Facebook age limit is 13. And honestly, people, when you were younger, to join a website that were for an adult crowd, when your parents were not paying attention, you did fudge your age a little bit. So there is obviously people on Facebook who are much younger, just with a bit of tweak with their birthday.

While there are rules and regulations on Facebook much like other websites, it can be debated on well they are enforced. With cyber bullying debates being at an all time high, Facebook might as well be the nexus for all of the hard line talk. Bullying is something that has been present for Facebook users and has been a problem.

Not to mention the other issues, such as malicious content, sometimes very adult content that perhaps would not be suitable for a lot of adults much less teenagers. But the age thing is really just a sticking point and many have thought that it should be risen to whatever the age of consent would be in the country. Sixteen in some, eighteen in the united states, as old as nineteen or twenty in select areas.

The fact is that Facebook is not suitable for children but there are just times where children just roam freely whether it be on the Internet or just out in the world, without the knowledge of their parents. The face of the matter is, that whether it be Facebook or any other website, parents should really take a keen interest in what their child is doing.

Of course, it is also important not to let this go too far, as sheltering your children will make them curious and thus will cause them to seek out websites such as Facebook, and be exposed to things they might not be maturely capable of handling.

Thirteen might be way too young, but it does depend on the child. Maturity is something that never can be defined. As always parents should use their best discretion but do remember that you were in fact teenagers once. Monitor what your child is posting and make sure they don't post anything that will come back to haunt them later, should they head on Facebook. Protect them from themselves.

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