Saturday, October 29, 2011

Five Topics That Will Ignite a Nasty Debate

Wars have been raged for many things throughout history. Yet often times the most violent wars are verbal ones as some nasty words are traded to back and forth over any number of the topics. From the absolutely silly topics to a lot of topics that are rather silly. The obvious ones would be religious and politics. If you have had an opinion about religion or politics and voiced it, there’s a pretty good chance that someone out there will hate you for it. There will be many who agree but there will be many who hate. Nasty debates have been waged over the nature of religion or politics. There have been nice, even debates, but many times, these debates have degenerated into childish name calling and personal slurs a lot of the time.

Here are five other potential topics that are bound to start a war, no matter what side of the equation you stand on. I have my views on them, we all do, but I’m not going to take a rare stance of not being opinionated, rather just detailing the entire conflict of the issue. Rest assure that there have been some great debates but if you ever find yourself speaking about any of these topics, be prepared for some hatred being thrown your way. Just a fair warning.

Gun Control

Guns or any type of weapons have been the sort. There have been many calling for stricter gun control laws, to limit those who would use the guns for harm. The counter argument states that those who are willing to use guns for harm will find a way to get their hands on said weapons outside of the law. Both sides have valid points and there is no easy answer to this one.


This is a debate that can and has gotten rather nasty. On one hand, people state that all life is life from the moment it has been conceived. The people for abortion argue that life is not life until it is officially born or life is not life until a certain point into the pregnancy or life is not life when it was conceived by means of a rape. These debates can be nasty. Also religion gets brought into the mess as well, which is a double whammy.

Illegal Immigration

This one has been a hot button issue in recent times now more than ever before. Many state that this country was founded on immigration while others argue that the law is being broken so there should be no argument. The economy has made this one a flaming debate even more and then we have a sub debate about jobs being stolen from legal citizens. It is all one less mess of headaches.


Drugs are much like gun control in the sense that some people argue there should be stricter laws against drugs while others argue that no matter how many laws, drugs are going to be used by those who want them. Then there is the Marijuana debate, whether or not prescription pain killers should be closely regulated, and just pretty much everything else you can think of. When one thinks about it, this has as many potential debates as both politics and religion.

The Death Penalty.

From what constitutes as a crime, to people completely for and against the death penalty. Also there is a section of people who are against the death penalty, because death might be too good for some people, they wish to see them suffer. Beyond the obvious for and against groups, there are any number of sub groups for the death penalty and the debate will continue to range on. Including with various forms of the death penalty that exist, whether they are humane or inhumane.

These are five issues that will debate a heated debate or potentially a flame role. Be prepared for anything when discussing them.

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