Monday, June 18, 2012

Social Security Benefits May Dry Up in a Few Years

What would your reaction be if you had worked a good long life? Putting your fair share into social security benefits so something would be there when you would retire. Then just one day, the entire social security benefits just disappear. Money that you could have invested elsewhere, just absolutely vanished right into the ether.

There is an all too scary realization for many that social security could in fact vanish right off of the face of the Earth and those who invested, will get positively nothing. A good chunk of their earnings that they invested wasted.

When will this happen? It seems like the dark cloud of social security just imploding and being sucked right into a black pit has been hanging over people since the 1990s. So far, it does in fact exist, but for how long? With people who are going to retire in the next five years, they may be fortunate enough to cling onto their benefits. Ten years, perhaps but it does seem like a depressing reality where they are not going to seen one red cent of anything.

The whispers are relevant. Was social security always intended to be a temporary fix to a problem that would eventually not be able to held back? With each passing year, it does seem that way. There are many benefits for social security but obviously will those benefits be realized when those benefits die. Those who are no longer are in the work place are out of sight and out of mind enough as it is. Senior citizens are a group that have been overlooked if not neglected.

It is a young man's world out there, not that helps that much. If you are not contributing to the economy no matter how weak it is, then you are pretty much off of the dregs of society. There are many who have invested their entire lives into social security and medicare. For money they may never see ever again.

Social security, along with Medicare and Medicaid, benefits that some might have thought would always be there. Because it was money that we paid. However, personal investment rarely means that we're ever see that money ever again. Those who have lost their fortunes within the stock markets will tell you that.

It is sad to see social security just dry up but that seems to be the inevitable plot. And we all know that money will go into the pocket of politicians.  

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