Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Man Gets Money on Bank Glitch

Technology can really be grand sometimes. As a fifty five year old Detroit Man named Ronald Page will tell you. A bank glitch had given him a bit more money than he intended. How much more? Try about 1.5 million dollars. It was an unintentional glitch, but obviously one that anyone with half of a brain would exploit. And perhaps actually hang onto someone money.

Of course, the one person who this glitch does benefit, they decide to blow every cent they earn. So Ronald Page was able to withdraw 1.5 million dollars from his bank thanks to the Bank of America glitch. He decided to add to that amount by stopping it while he is ahead. So he decided to go gambling.

As a result, Mr. Page no longer has 1.5 million dollars and is back to square one. There is really no problem with gambling, when you are good with it. The real problem is when you are unable to accomplish anything. And most of the people who are horrible at gambling also are the most addicted to something like that.

The fact is a glitch like that is a God send, a gift from above and just to blow it like that, blow an absolute golden goose like that, by plucking all of its feathers, that is insanity. The true sign of an addict is no matter what common sense might dictate, they are not able to help themselves no matter how much of the time.

The 1.5 million dollar glitch from Bank America, anyone with half of a brain would keep their mouth shut and save the money, before the glitch is corrected. Illegality aside naturally, but hey, you would not blow the money. Yet this man did, he gambled it all away.

It is really horrible to see someone with such a severe addiction. The 1.5 million dollar Bank of America glitch, was like a golden ticket. Yet greed was the overriding factor, with a gambling addiction, really caused that golden ticket to go right up in smoke.

Some people just don't know when to fold and quit while they are ahead. And obviously given the small amount of money that was officially in this Detroit man's bank account, with $300, it shows that he was not that good with his finances to begin with.  

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