Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy National Donut Day

A day which I am certain may get many health gurus up right in arms and the favorite holiday of cops(and Homer Simpson) nationwide occurs on June 1st 2012. As we begin a new and rather fresh month, we also celebrate National Donut Day. Thus proving the point there is a holiday out there for everything. To celebrate the holiday, one of the biggest retail changes out there, Dunkin' Donuts will be giving out free donuts and no doubt many other places will be celebrating the day as well.

Proof that we will celebrate each and every holiday out there. Donut or Doughnuts, depending on which spelling you use, are something that I have never been rather too much of a fan of. Granted, I have been known to indulge into the tasty treat time and time again, but obviously not to the extent that many people do.

As I noted above, the name of the treat in the holiday can be spelled either Donut or Doughnut. Of course, Donut has caught on more with the common person, due to Dunkin' Donuts being one of the largest retail chains selling these treats. So obviously the power of their marketing is such that this will be the buzzword that will come to mind any time that people really think of donuts or doughnuts.

Regardless, it is amazing some of the days that we will celebrate. You look up some of the strange holidays, I'm sure National Donut Day would be low on the list of the insanity. Yet, it is one that took me aback. There is a holiday out there for every little thing these days, and it might be more than a marketing gimmick than anything.

Regardless, June 1st is National Donut Day. So why not sit back and have a nice tasty treat for breakfast this morning? Blow your diet, its a holiday after you. Besides, its not like you weren't going to eventually fold. So why not have a nice handy excuse to do so. You can go back to lying to yourself that your diet is actually going to work tomorrow.

In all seriousness, everyone have a happy National Donut Day and celebrate the true spirit of this day.

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