Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Top Targets for Scam Artists

Scams have been around since humanity could cheat each other out of something. Whether it be money, time, or anything else, those scam artists have been around people, just waiting for the vulnerable. Not to mention, scam artists wait for the gullible and on some other occasions, the greedy.

Much like all predators, scam artists wait outside of the pack. They scout what is out there. They take notice of the weakest, the most obvious targets of us all. After all, there is no use wasting breath in an attempt to cheat someone who is savvy to all of the scams in the world. A scam artist would be wasting their time to try and scam a different scam artist.

With that fact in mind, what are the softest targets for scams? What people are the easiest prey for scam artists? There are many types of people who pop up, who continue to get scammed. More often than not, those people will be the targets.

Senior citizens are the top of the hit list for scam artists. They are perceived to be a rather light target, to trick in an attempt to make a few dishonest bucks. There are many well rehearsed stories that tug on the heart strings of senior citizens, with a child trapped in a foreign country, needing to bail out. Something wrong with their bank account and thus these people need the senior citizens to give their personal information. It is sad to say that older individuals may be more trusting or might not be all there in some cases.

The uneducated are another type. Those who if they got through high school, it was barely, with a struggle. The type that are not going to question something no matter what. They are likely more going to sign agreements that would signal a warning bell right in the heads of many. Yet given that the uneducated is also going to be high on the list of people who will not do their homework, they are a prime target for scam artists.

The greedy is a prime target for scam artist. They offer promises of great health and great wealth. Those who have insane amounts of greed within themselves will be the easy target. They will be those who will invest big in a promise for bigger returns or to sign their life and personal information away, for huge promises.

Teenagers are a final target. We have all done many stupid things when we were young, made decisions that were not in our best interests. Even if we thought that they were. A teenager is someone who a scam artist can zero in on. They are likely to make a snap decision which will not benefit them in the end.

Scams will always be around and those who con people will find new targets when they can. This fact is always a problem, but everyone is out for a quick buck.

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