Thursday, October 11, 2012

2012 Vice Presidential Debate

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney had their say in the Presidential Debate last time around. This time, we are going to hear from the two men who will be their running mates. In one corner we have Barack Obama's running mate, and current Vice President Joe Biden. In the other corner, we have Mitt Romney's running mate, and hopeful Vice President of the United States Paul Ryan. We heard what the number one attractions in the United States had to say. What do the number two men in the country have to say?

The 2012 Presidential Election has been one that has worried many Americans. When we entered the 2008 election, many were hopeful change was at hand. However, those hopes were dashed by a depressingly dismal four year term from Barack Obama. The debates between Presidential Candidates can be rather illuminating to say the least. Perhaps not so much on the night they occur, but after they have wrapped up and after a term has concluded for the winner of the election.

The Vice Presidential debates might hold some interest for people, but the interest is not there. It would be just like watching a junior varsity game after a varsity game. There will be some interesting moments, but the main attraction has wrapped up. Therefore, pretty much what everyone is there to see has long since concluded. The debate between Obama and Romney, frustrating as it might have been to some, really was the point of interest for this election.

The debate between Ryan and Biden tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern Time, yeah there might be some moments worthy of listening too. However, will it matter in the end? The fact of the matter is the Vice President tends to pale in comparison to the President. He is the number two man on the ticket. He may be able to tip the scales, but he tends to work for the most part as window dressing.

This entire debate tonight is even more of a vanity than the debate between the two main players. It is really interesting to go back to 2008 and see what Obama has accomplished. I'm sure his supporters will say a lot and his detractors will say nothing at all. The truth does lie somewhere in the middle. The self serving nature of the American political structure indicates anyone has been doomed. It is becoming obvious that Obama might not have been the right man to win that 2008 Presidential Election. Of course one might argue there was no right man to win that election.

Regardless, the Vice Presidential Debate will take center stage tonight. It does give people much to talk about in the end, so there is that. The floor is Joe Biden's and Paul Ryan's tonight. What they decide to do with the floor, only is up to them.

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