Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Five Points about the Election

The United States Presidential election comes closer with each passing day. The battle between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will take center stage in November. Americans will cast their vote, but what are they voting for really? Are they just voting for the person who will only lead them through another four years of misery and woe? Here are five interesting points about the presidential election. 
1) Your vote both does and doesn't matter at the same time. It has been said that the American people do not have a say if they do not vote. Yet, we don't have the choice we think we do. We cast our vote, but after over two hundred years it is not the popular vote that matters. We hang onto a concept that was relevant two hundred years ago.

2) The choice is either A or B, Republican or Democrat, there are really no other choices whatsoever. Third parties exist, but there is a mentality that exists that voting for a third party would be wasting your vote. Granted, one should not vote just because it is a third party, but more choices would allow the American public more control over their lives.

3) The economy is rather screwed up beyond all belief. Four years ago it was bad, but after four years of Barack Obama, the situation for many Americans has not improved. Plus, we have heard a lot of talk and very little action. If we had just let it ride out, we would have been fine as a nation.

4) We are rather short tempered as a nation for a lot of reasons. The rest of the world is the same, but the United States tends to be the center of attention. Therefore, we are going to be all prone to irrational actions, and thus emotions will ruin us.

5) It used to be the government officials served the people. Now the people serve the government. We have had our rights stripped away so gradually few have barely knew it. "Freedom" is merely a business buzzword. The United States Government has become just like the most corrupt organization in America.
As you head to the polls in a little over a month, remember the choice you make could be just for what politician will continue the slow decay of American society.

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