Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Nuclear Chess Game Between Iran and the United States

Relations between the United States and Iran have been delicate(to put it mildly), for a number of years. Iran’s nuclear program really has a lot of people sweating and really, any country having nuclear missiles, Iran, North Korea, and yes, including our very own United States, is cause for a lot of concern. All it takes is one country feeling slighted, the wrong person pressing the wrong button, and it’s bye-bye world.

Iran Nuclear Program Fears: Real or Overblown

However, how much of a danger is Iran? Is it just propaganda or some kind of truth to the rumors? Iran might likely be up to something, hell, the United States government is likely going to be up to something, that the vast majority of its own citizens have absolutely no idea. There is any number of things in development, both fair and foul, that could be a Pandora’s Box once opened.

The nuclear box was opened back in World War II, as a way to prevent the deaths of Allied Troops, as Japan’s fight to the death mentality would not be ceased by anything short of absolutely destruction. However once such a genie is out of the bottle, it is not getting put back easily. Weapons were developed, more powerful, more dangerous, the Cold War proved that we were always up the cusp of nuclear annihilation, just one wrong misstep and someone would fire their nukes, the other people would retaliate and the light of life gets extinguished.

Does Iran really have something nasty that they can use to take out Israel and the United States, that cannot be detected by radars? Obviously they want us to think they do. Perception is in fact everything and it would potentially not be beyond their capabilities to produce.

Sanctions will be imposed, but that really is not going to solve anything. It does seem like there is going to really break between the United States and Iran sometime in 2012 and it is not going to be pretty.

In the end, it is highly likely that there is going to be some credibility to these supposed claims and the fear of the possibility of such weapons has many worried. It is a very careful chess game that the United States and Iran are playing with each other and Iran could be next on the government’s bucket list to take care of and replace with “more suitable government”. That is for sure a conspiracy theory that many have and there are some intriguing.

Nuclear weapons have severe consequences in the end and it is going to escalate eventually. This may be how Earth can end.

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