Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kardashian Publicity Stunt Marriage Ends(WARNING RANT)

Marriage really isn’t what it once was in many ways. That much is for certain. However celebrities have really made the disintegration of the importance of marriage. That is the case with the marriage of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humpheries. After all of the hoopla, all of the hype, the overblown, the overproduced television special about a fairy tale wedding, they are going to call it quits.

At one time, marriage was a lifetime commitment. For some it still is but for many, if they are together for five years in marriage, that is really some great commitment and a cause for celebration. It’s really not going to really be the way that it should be. Yet it is just really the way it is going to be for many people. And there are people who should know better.

Here’s a nice fact for you. Some people just aren’t the marrying type. There is no shame about that that is just the way it is. Perhaps in ten years you might be the marrying type, perhaps in twenty, perhaps never. Society is so backwards and inane that people are pressured into getting married in a certain age. And then having children, which is just a screwed up set of standards, screwing over some innocent life because you have to conform to society’s standards. But that is another rant for another time.

Here’s the question right here about when the proper time is to get married. When you feel that you’re ready. And if you feel that you’re ready. If there is any doubt whatsoever, any second thoughts, then well it could go off well, the marriage can in fact go off well to say the very least.

Yet celebrities, they get married, and it is really just a status symbol a lot of the time. It is just a high budget publicity stunt nine times out of ten. It is really no more and no less. There are a lot of exceptions to the rule. There are exceptions to many rules as a matter of fact but more often than not, it’s just to get someone’s overhyped face even more hyped.

And there have been no one more overhyped than the bloody Kardashian sisters. That wedding special between Kim and her husband was on no joke, about six or so times a day. The lowest form of celebrities that are famous just because they are famous. Seven three days later, as the marriage special of Keeping Up with the Kardashians is still being spammed every single day, as of a couple of days later.

Have there been shorter marriages? Of course there was, Britney Spears and that forty eight hour disgrace of a marriage years ago. And that lead to a downhill spiral of problems on her end.

So Kim Kardashian and Kris Humpreys are getting a divorced. And thus we’re going to be hearing about their problems. Of course, that’s what you get for your marriage being the main focus of a reality show. That’s really playing with fire.

Celebrity marriages, as soon as they occur, they are bound to end in divorce nine times out of ten.

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