Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why Bad News Rules the Media

People who watch the news too much might come to many conclusions. The first of these conclusions is that every single person in the world is messed in some way and the world is a rather messed up place. The media does nothing to really reign in these little bits and pieces. Why would they? There is more eyeballs drawn to tragedy than people who would pay attention to hope. 

There's No News Like Bad News

This truth is the saddest one of them all. The world is messed up, because we as a people are kind of messed up in many ways. It may sound cynical but when you think about it, it is really not false. Just turn onto the news and chances are, one of the first stories will be one of the following.

1) The latest crime of the day will be displayed.
2) The latest natural disaster will be talked about.
3) Some company went out of business.
4) The government did something stupid that caused a lot of people to be upset.

Those are far from the only four items. Human beings are drawn to bad news, like moths to a flame. It is just a part of us, where we are unable to look away.

People moan about how there is too much bad news in the world. Do we do anything about it? Well, the world can be a harsh place for many reasons. So we just got to sit back and either dial back on the news watching and reading.

People who obsess over the news and get stressed about it, really have no one to blame but themselves. The economy is in the toilet, prices of everything has gone up, and everyone just seems to be at each others throats in 2012 in general. Not to mention there are more folks descend straight to petty crime.

Scan the news a little bit, because that task needs to be done to stay informed. Do not really beat yourself up about how messed up the rest of the world is.

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