We all know Google. Many of us love Google. It is truly the number one website on the Internet as far as search engines go. For better or for worse, it is where your average Internet user goes. And let's face it, your average Internet user will be the one who will make up your core audience. Not the person who spends all day on the Internet, talking about the latest news, delving into conspiracy theories about Google's new privacy policy(whether or not they are true is irrelevant)
Bow to Google, It Rules Your Internet.
As a blogger, whether you run a Rinky dink blog on the side or some kind of small business or even a moderate sized corporation, driving the right traffic to your website is the key. But to do this, you must have people look up your website on the search engine. Many people practice Search Engine Optimization. We're not going to get into SEO, because it just brings a lot of headaches to explain. Let us just say that there are many schools of thought about what is proper SEO on your website and some do make sense, while others do baffle the mind.
If you think about it, search engine optimization is really Google Optimization. There are other search engines out there but do they have the coverage that Google has? Chances are that they do not even scratch the surface. If you have been banished from Google, the Internet can be a rather lonely place for your website, as you might scrap together a few hits here, a few hits there. Social networking can get some hits here, but the truth measure of a website is how well it stands on its own.
Google has made many changes to its algorithm as many website owners have found out all too well. The fact of the matter is that when you have the coverage that this search engine does then you can start making the rules. If a few people complain, then really that is just a very vocal minority. Just like with the privacy policy change, many people swore off Google and their many products. Yet the Internet giant will always sleep soundly night.
In many ways, we do bend over backwards to appease Google, to an almost sickening degree. Do you hear people asking how to drive Yahoo traffic to their website, or Bing Traffic? No, because that traffic is miniscule. There may be some search engine that steps up. For now, site owners are going to appreciate the traffic that search engine brings in and anxiously keep checking their Google ranking. Of course many people obsess a bit too much over their page ranking and not actually creating content. Word of mouth still has a little bit of power, even if we all know where the ultimate power lies on the Internet.
Just keep pumping out content. Rome was not built in a day, and neither are websites. Perhaps some day the rules of the game will change. As we all know, what worked even a year ago does not work that well today.
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