It does tend to be rather curious that gas prices tend to be at their highest and may be poised to climb higher in the summer, during reelection year for Barack Obama. We must ask ourselves is this a coincidence or a conspiracy.
Is Gas Prices Going Up a Ploy for Obama to Get Reelected
High gas prices might be a good thing for Barack Obama, as it will give him something key that affects many American people, to promise to reform. Regardless of how much it might be out of his hands or not, the reality of the situation tends to matter. It is how Barack Obama can convince people that he will make some changes to people. Four years later, four years after Barack Obama was elected, we should know the game all too well. The 44th United States President has created an environment where things may in fact be much more damaged than they wore.
It was unbelievable that gas prices could ever had been three dollars. But they were and now they are beyond four. Many people have really real fears that fuel prices could edge right up over five dollars as the summer comes here. More individuals travel during the summer months and thus more of them will need to put gasoline in their car. Planes will need to fuel up as well. The price of gas indirectly affects the price of many other things as well. To cover the transportation costs, there will be a small mark up of many products. All of those small park ups add up.
The gasoline prices cement an opportunity. Barack Obama's approval rating tends to waver back and forth about what you might present, but his vow to make changes, no matter how far out of his country they may or may not be, gives him a platform. Of course, said changes will not take place until after he's safely elected, which gives us about eight more months of suffering. After all, he needs four more years to improve things even more.
There is a lot of gain from both sides. Oil companies get some really prominent profits while Barack Obama gets a platform to run on for his reelection campaign. Naturally he just needs four more years, but if you look at the results of Barack Obama, weighing what he accomplished in four years and what he failed at during four years, it does not paint a picture that is nice. Even if we factor in the leeway from the previous Bush regime and all of the damage that was cause, our President's first term was mediocre at best.
Gas prices may very well be driven up, in an attempt to make people desperately cling onto promises that they might be done. Or even if Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the rising prices, we can at least summarize that he will be taking advantage of it. That is what politicians do, make promises to do things whether or not they have any control over what can be done or if they even intend on doing so.
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