Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Money Without Meaning is Just Worthless Paper

Some experts think that we're finally going to stop the destructive process of printing money in a vain an attempt to make the economy heal itself. I'd like to believe that. I really would like to believe that and I would like that those in charge would do something, anything before inflation really spirals out of control. Granted, you must wonder if we are not at the point of no return with that fact. There is a gap between the poor and the rich. Middle class? It only exists by the barest technicality really.

At this point, I have no answers. But the fact I have no answers really does not matter. The fact is that the people who should have the answers, do not have the answers. Well they really do have one answer, but it is the wrong answer and that is to print more money. You flood the market, inflation goes up. The value of dollar would be worthless. It is just pretty green paper with numbers one it, when the market is flooded. If you gave everyone a million dollars but a hundred people, that you gave a billion dollars, that money is just that, paper.

Economics is something that people struggle with wrapping their head around. I think that there are times where even I really just want to bash my head in with all of the numbers. Numbers and figures and statistics and paper, all of them really don't matter, but what we see with our own eyes is what matters and what we see with our own eyes is people suffering, people having to make more sacrifices, and more people just trying to string together enough so they don't starve to death.

With a money driven society, it is nature of the beast. And given that we are driven by money, when that genie goes in the bottle, it is not something that it is going to go back out. Experts think that we're going to stop printing money. Merely something that is a pipe dream. And it is already too late. The market is already flooded with worthless green paper. We've lent out money to people, borrowed money for people, printed money, all of those figures are worthless.

Then again, we're just determined to go around on a treadmill. I'm sure there are answers somewhere but some of them should have been implemented much sooner and four years later, five years later(with destructive actions from long before that piling up), really the window of opportunity to do anything is going to shrink. The stock market might have been up in the first quarter of 2012, but the value of said stocks are a fraction of what they were a decade ago. Money across the board isd own.

We don't have leaders in this country. Only politicians who are out to expand their power base and to make all kinds of friends. But really the ultimate joke might be on the politicians in the United States, as they might be squabbling over scraps.

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