Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Has The Need For Instant Gratification Killed the Economy

Today was a good day on the market in Wall Street. Stocks were up across the board. Reports on sales for retailing were promising. There seems to be some moderate amount of healing on the economy. The news from the meeting of the Fed bode rather well for the stock market.

This was great news today, but how great will this news be a month from now or even a week from now?

Nothing is For Certain Past Tomorrow In Today's Instant Gratification Economy

Good news in the stock market is something that we should be certain people are going to breathe a sigh of relief. If nothing else, the activity was good as opposed to bad. However should we be breaking out of the trumpets and celebrating. No because the market lives and dies based on what happened five minutes ago.

Long term planning is something that is an exception rather than a rule in today's economy. And not just the stock market, but rather through each and every corner of the economy. There is no future, but rather we are looking at what is happening today and if what is happening today is good, we go for the quick fixes.

A quick fix is much like putting duct tape on a leaking pipe. It might stall it for a while but nothing lasts forever. You purchase stocks on Monday but then when the heat is on, you scramble out.

The thing is there is no future in this world today. There is no future with this economy. It is all day to day. The economy might have been fixed when the bleeding started about five or so years ago, if it was a gradual fix, not a succession of quick fixes, with stimulus plans, bailouts, and just an entirely muddled mess.

Having a problem is problematic. Trying to go in there with a half baked solution is worse than not doing anything at all. The stock market is the epitome of this, it always has been. There have been huge gains on good news and massive plummets on bad news. when there is middle ground on the stock market, people scarcely.

We are in a society of instant gratification. Where we need the problem to fixed right now. The healing would have been done by now, but the government seems to be just as anxious because many in power want to be the ones to be the white knight. But they've done more to accelerate the problems and little to help.

Stock Market Report 3/13/12

On Wall Street there seemed to be some good news. The stock market was rather fluid. What this will mean for the economy a month now, is something that we can debate on but there are people who are cautiously optimistic and perhaps this could be the beginning of a turn around.

Dow Jones: 13, 178.81(+219.10)
Nasdaq: 3039.88(+56.22)
S and P 500: 1395.99(+24.90)