Super Tuesday Offers The Huge Key of the 2012 Election for Romney, Santorum, and other Republican Candidates.
Tonight is the night where we will have a better idea where the winds are going to blow. Of course, there are many who think no matter the result, the stench will be within the winds on Supert Tuesday. Ten states are the battle ground for Super Tuesday, one of the key points on the road to the 2012 Election as Mitt Romney prepares to cement his status.
What will happen tonight on Super Tuesday? We'll find out on Wednesday, with all of the ramifications and that is the key word for this year's election, ramifications, ramifications for pretty much everyone running and for the American people. Will it be Romney vs. Obama? Santorum vs. Obama? Will it really matter? I think that is the fear of American people that they are just going to be voting on what we they are going to be sold down the river coming the 2012 Election. It could be the same ugly outcome of the past few years. Obama had an uphill battle for sure, but nothing has changed.
There is no magic wand to be waved. Super Tuesday for better or for worse is tonight. People in ten states and across the nation will be watching for the next step in the 2012 Election. What will occur? Keep your eyes peeled for the news. Even if it appears that Romney is pretty much all that but a formality, much to the dismay of some and the joy to others. This could become this blog's version of Dewey defeats Truman but Romney will be able to cement his status as the guy for the Republican half of the 2012 election.
Stock Marker 3/6/12 Report
As the Mitt Romney confirmation party or as it is more commonly known, Super Tuesday 2012 takes place tonight, the Stock Market really took a hit. On the night of Super Tuesday, the Stock Market has taken a decline. That does not bode well for anyone on Super Tuesday. Greece is the culprit as many people fear the worst. That is not good news coming across the 2012 election for all involved. Here are the numbers, in all of their grave glory.
Dow Jones: 12,767.89(-194.92)
NASDAQ: 2910.92(-39.56)
S and P 500: 1,343.68(-20.65)