Are you freaking serious? Actually, I can really believe something like this happening, because there have been stories of mothers beating their infants to death for crying, because they can't stand the sound of them crying when they are playing games on Facebook. And for the record, I really wish I was making this up, but it has happened.
But this incident, making a child run out in the hot, because of eating a candy bar, a bit too far. We have moronic parents, but then these caregivers(using that term utterly loosely), punishing a child in such a manner, it really turns your stomach in knots. Even if you don't have children of your own, it is quite frankly appalling. Running a child to death over eating a candy bar of all things. What in the hell was wrong with these people?
Words just fail me. You need a license for everything in life but taking care of or having children it seems. A nine year old child was killed, perhaps not completely intentionally with punishment being taken too far, but some horrific punishment for such a minor offense. I hope these two women rot in whatever prison. And its a prison where prisoners don't take too kindly to those who harm children.
Just sick and utterly appalling. And this will be far from the last time we hear of something like this happening, with a nine year old girl barely living her life.