Sunday, January 1, 2012

Arson Fires in LA Leave Police Baffled

The New Year’s Eve joy and the lead into the New Year had a sour note in Los Angeles, California, when a string of arson tasks plagued the California city this past week. The attacks can be traced back until Thursday, although they also began to heat up last night as those in LA(and the world) were celebrating New Years Eve.

Arson Fires Plague Los Angeles, California

The main target for the arsonists appear to be the cars of people and authorities in LA urge people to regard anything suspicious regarding their car seriously, as it may in fact lead to some tampering. There may be one or there may be many behind the arson fires in Los Angeles that have happened over the past few days. Authorities in LA are unsure at the moment but are following numerous leads.

Security was out tighter on New Year’s Eve, with only minimal damage, but there were instances of attempted arson. It is unknown what the game is for the arsonists but those are working tirelessly around the clock, in an attempt to bring these people down to justice. The amount of cars that have been on flames are more than usual, pointing to the fact that there has been tampering.

The only small satisfaction is there have been no people who have been injured at the moment. Will any suspects be caught? Only time will tell, as the LAPD continues to investigate. It is baffling what these individuals hoped to gain, if anything from these acts of Arson in Los Angeles. 

It is always urged people remain vigilante as possible.

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