Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 United States Presidential Election: The Losers May Be the People

We are into 2012 and it comes time for that time every four years. Leap year naturally and every leap year, there are presidential elections. On the Democratic side of the equation, Barack Obama is up for his second round at bat but things seems to be a rather less secure on the Republican side. Mitt Romney does seem to be one of the favorites to get the Republican nod right now, with Ron Paul a distant second

2012 Election: Will the Losers Be the American People?

We are no better off than we were in 2008 during the last time, where Barack Obama got the nod over the American people, promising change but there seems to be far more headaches, far more problems. The troops being brought home from Iraq is a step in the right direction but many thing that noble it was, it seems like it was a rather calculated step by Barack Obama.

The Iowa State Caucus is a big step in determining who the Republican candidate may be to face Obama come in November of 2012. As we are getting down to the wire, with eleven months to go with elections, there are just really a lot of concerns. No doubt there will be promises that are made and it is becoming more obvious with each passing election that running for political office is more of a sales job. Much like with companies, they have to sell that their product is the best. It is all about perception, it is all about presentation, it is all about convincing the American people that you’re going to not screw them over.

Or technically speaking, screwing them worse to the other way. It does seem like Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are the two likely Republican candidates, with Michelle Bachmann being a potential dark horse, although one wonders what end of the horse she might be. Going into the Iowa Caucuses on Tuesday Evening, January 3rd 2012, we really could have a good idea of what direction the winds might be blowing.

Then again, only we can tell. However, it does seem evident that the real losers are going to be the American people. Both main political parties are chalked full of corruption, it is just what has less corruption really will make all of the difference come Election Time. We really need a third party candidate to get up there and fight off the two horrific monsters that the Republican and Democrats have become.

However, that is but a pipe dream and we are stagnated in a two party system, with another other parties just being red headed step children. Mostly because the majority of the American people have that mindset that their vote will be wasted if they vote for a third party, providing they vote of all.

Let us watch Tuesday in Iowa and see.

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