Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ethnic Study Program Banned in Arizona

According to Yahoo news, an ethnic studies program for "Mexican-American heritage" has been deem to be illegal because if its questionable subject manner.

To me, this is a rather sticky situation, as having one ethnic group be given a class to its own, is rather asking for an entirely amount of trouble. Never mind the fact that it tends to cause a nasty divide and hatred breeding from all corners, as people, no matter how few are represented, feel a bit cheated that their particular ethnic group did not get the study.

And when you deal with division of ethnic groups, you run into the sticky, slippery slope that is talk about immigration. Especially with Hispanics, as there are many illegals in the country and yes, many there legally. However all will be tarred by the same brush by those who are offended that a certain group is getting a special treatment.

Many Hispanics are crying foul about their rights being oppressed by whites, including, indeed, the fact that their are laws to keep people from entering this country illegally. Not really making this up other, as bad as racism is, people falsely crying about racism might be about just slightly worse.

Your heritage should be a thing to behold and no problems respecting it, but school should be a rather neutral ground, where we are Americans. Not Mexican-Americans, African-Americans, Italian-Americans, whatever, just Americans. This is no small part of the reason why the country is in the shape it is. People being subdivided in any number of ways and those in other races aren't exactly innocent when compared to the white people either. Talking about "the white oppressors" is just racism of another color. An ethnic class, no matter how large the Hispanic popular was just stirring up some trouble.

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