The sentencing
of disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich went down this past week. The
result he received fourteen years in prison. This sparked outrage. Of course,
if you talk to many people, you might get differing opinions on the outrage
that is being offered, depending on whether they supported the former Illinois
governor, judging Blagojevich is some tragic victim or those who knew he was a
corrupt filthy politician who got far less than what he deserved.
Brother Says Sentencing is “Outrageous”.
Outrageous is the term to
describe the sentence and here is what I think. It is outrageous, because if
he, Rod Blagojevich had been convicted to the absolute letter of the law, he
would have spent about three or fourth lifetimes right in prison. He claims
that he is sorry but you know, I’m sure all criminals from the hardened
murderers to the most petty thieves would claim they were sorry, if it could
get them a fraction of the sentence.
Rod Blagojevich was arrogant
enough to think that he was not going to get caught. He did get caught and now
he is trying to play the tragic victim. The only victims here are his family
and he is the victimizer. He is the one who decided to commit the fraud actions
that he did. Because, as it was stated, Blagojevich got caught, because he was
arrogant enough to assume that he was not.
In many ways, this is part of the
reason why the United States is in the state that it is. We tend to coddle
politicians who tend to put on some kind of sob story. Fourteen years for he
did is rather light. It might be bigger than a slap on the wrist but face it,
Blagojevich could have spent decades, the rest of his life in prison.
And by all rights he should have.
Blagojevich is far from the worst
case of people in power getting off too light. Most people get away with it in
fact. For each case of corruption you hear, there are about four, five more
than you don’t hear about. Perhaps even more now these days, as more now than
ever before, most politicians (most, not all, as there are still a few honest
politicians but let’s face it, few of them get too far and they are likely to
get laughed at behind their backs), think themselves above the common person.
They think they have the power to increase their power. They feel they are
above the laws. Let the laws and legal ramifications be for the normal people.
No, I got a nice office, I’m above that.
It’s disgusting really. And he
gets to spent Christmas with his family. You think some working class criminal
would get the same consideration. Johnny Convict who knocks over the local gas
station wouldn’t get spend Christmas with his family, even if he might be doing
so to feed his family. Yet the corrupt politician who commits fraud is going to
get to spend Christmas with his family, because he’s known.
Fourteen years is outrageous and
people are boo-hooing that Blagojevich’s family might have live a GASP
lifestyle that doesn’t have as many luxuries and might have to live a middle
class lifestyle.
Blagojevich is going to go to
prison sometime in 2012.
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