Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Online Earning Truths: Useless eBooks

All over the Internet, you see people hyping their revolutionary eBooks where they are going to blow open Internet earnings by following their steps. Describing how you can exploit some mystical, magical, commission loophole where you can shovel thousands or even millions of dollars into your Paypal account. How you can become an Internet millionaire with ten minutes of work a day?

How we wish those were true?

Sadly however they are not. In fact only precisely one person gets rich off of the eBook and that is the person righting the said eBook. That is the person who is putting together the eBook. Giving all of their referral links to websites that made them money. Obviously the place where most people are going to find out about the eBook first is through the actual publisher of said eBook. Therefore they are going to sign up to all of the websites that the eBook publisher puts across as being money making in their book.

You have become their level one referrals more or less. Anyone who signs up off of you, as few as it might be, will still make them some money. Depending on how many levels deep each money earning program is, it is really going to allow them to clean up.

People make these outlandish claims and all you need to do is purchase an eBook to do so. For a bit more, you can be allowed to republish the eBook with your own links. Although if you need an eBook to allow you to earn money, chances are you might not know all that much about Internet marketing to begin with and won’t get that many referrals.

Alternatively, they do have some tricks that could get you a few more dollars…a year ago. A lot of the advice is woefully out of date due to changing trends of the Internet marketing game. It’s not about what you know, it’s what other people don’t know and that’s where the real money on the Internet is. These people know it and they set up their eBooks in such a way.

Just another way to scam the uneducated out of their money.

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