Sunday, June 10, 2012

Money the Cause of Every Problem

Money is what makes the world go around. Of course, that may not necessarily be a good thing. A lot of the problems in the world can rather indirectly tie back into money. Whether it be greed, corruption, poverty, or just the attitudes people have to come with having an extreme amount of money, the green stuff continues to tie back. The currency is different throughout the world but really even if the name is different, the problem is still the same.

Some people have gone as far to say that money is the root of all evil. Which really might seem absurd but if you look back, that statement makes a disturbing amount of sense. One might go as far as saying that money is the number one vice in the world, even above drugs and alcohol.

Crimes such as identity theft, fraud, extortion, blackmail, all are likely to have some kind of monetary gain tied right to it. Nine times out of ten the motive for any crime, whether it be petty or violent is someone trying to scrap together a little money. The biggest concern in the world is the economy, as not enough money is flowing freely and inflation runs wild, given that the demand is not there in many cases.

The job market is another problem. There are many people who are unemployed. So one could summarize that they would need a job. Why do these individuals need a job? So they can make money and pay the bills. The companies that send out the bills need the money to stay in business, so they can pay their bills.

See how it is all one vicious cycle of money, money, money, money, never ending, that's the thing we need to thrive and survive.

We have evolved in many ways, even if that point is debatable for any number of reasons. The happiness of many people on the street lives and dies by if they can afford certain things. If they cannot afford these things, it is because they do not have the money.

So would all of the ills of the world get solved if we actually took money out of the equation? Some might but a Pandora's box of many other issues will be open. Even if we did not have the green stuff, people may find some other metric to obsess over, to elevate themselves.

There are many people who judge others by the amount of money. Take money out and that leaves a hole, a vacuum that needs to be filled. What will it be filled by? Likely something else equally or more so petty.

Money makes the world go around in the end. No matter how much we would like to say that money does not matter, it kind of does. Just stop and think of how many actions that you do are in some round about way are motivated by money. The answer may in fact shock you.

Its the nature of the beast. One day, some insane genius may come up with a golden solution to solve this problem of money both being something that is simultaneously destroying us but we are also dependent on. In the meantime, things may get much worse as the economy weakens.

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