Friday, February 10, 2012

Nothing Should Surprise Us in the World Anymore

You ever see something on the news and read about something that you really should be outraged about. But you can’t be bothered to be too outraged about it, because it is something that is becoming all too common place in this day and age. Where you know what happened is bad, but you just shrug your shoulders and really don’t dwell on it for more than a few seconds.

That’s what the world has come to these days. It does seem like the majority may have long since accepted the world is generally a dismal place in the year of 2012.

We All Grow Immune To the Bad Things Eventually.

There are a lot of bad things in the world that happen. A lot of rather good things that happen in the world as well granted. Life is not all dismal and horror and destruction. But we don’t hear about much of the good things. And if we do, it is somewhat of an afterthought. We get a brief mention.

In the world, there is corruption, there is death, there is mass destruction, people out on the streets, people becoming parents where you wouldn’t even trust them with a goldfish. And then people bemoaning that some poor child had to suffer. It is rather kind of sad that all of the things that licenses are required for, the one that doesn’t require the license is in fact birth.

It is to the point where we read about many of the horrors of the world and go, “yeah that sucks” but promptly move right on with our day. The only thing that really amounted to a lot of outrage was recently was SOPA and PIPA. And that was an extreme situation where we really got pushed too far.

The only thing that really stirs us up is gross attempts to limit the civil liberties of people. Government corruption is about as common as breathing now. We actually expect people to be on the take right now with someone. Incompetent parents are becoming more so. Shattered marriages happen, often times between celebrities.

There is a lot of awful things in the world. We just are now beginning to shrug anything up. The reason why no one seems to really care anymore is, that we have really been burned out. There have been times where I have thought that humanity has peaked as a species and its all downhill from here.

The world’s not going to end in 2012, despite what some whack job conspiracy theorists might say. But I kind of wonder if we’d be better off just to be put out of our misery right now before things get really bad. If you looked at the world strictly based on what’s in the news, then you would really see a messed up place.

Nothing should surprise us in the world anymore.

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