Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stock Market Report 1/24/12: Obama's 2012 State of the Union Tonight

Tonight is the State of the Union Address and it should be a rather intriguing one. Election year for a president running for his second term always tends to be more of a political gambit and publicity than anything. And naturally any information, good or bad, that comes out of it will tend to rather cause some aftershocks right on the Stock Market. And the market today took another slight dip.

Stock Market Report 1/24/12: State of the Union 2012

Europe is failing which cannot help in many countries, with Greece being the prime offending. Most people don’t even bat that much of an eyelash of the economic woes anymore. I guess after the past several years, there is only so much of a fall that you can take before you just hang on for the ride and see where it really does take you.

Tonight will be one to watch. As Barack Obama gives the State of the Union Address, no doubt his hopes personally for a second term will hinge with what the State of the Union and there may be news that defines the shape of this country for the months to come, with an economic standpoint.

“Fairness” is reported to be the theme, the underlying factor. Obviously that can be a lot of debate about that word, and how fair the economy has been to the average American scraping by, the average investor who was not lucky to get on, on the ground floor and get off before things started falling apart.

Tonight Obama addresses an entire nation but the world will be watching. And the 2012 Presidential Election will be one to watch but will the American people be the ones trapped? The stocks tomorrow may tell the story.

Dow Jones: 12,675.75(-33.07)
NASDAQ: 2,786.64(+2.47)
S and P 500: 1,314.63(-1.37)

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